Metal Painting (studio view), Ellen Harvey, 2015. Oil on 826 wood panels with inset magnets, steel panels, dimensions variable, here:15 x 25’ (4.57 x 7.62m). Photograph: Etienne Frossard. 


Summer 2027

Public Art Commission: Ellen Harvey: Book/Circle, Castilleja School, Palo Alto, CA

Spring 2026

Solo Exhibition: Ellen Harvey, USF Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa, FL
Curated by Christian Viveros-Fauné

Winter 2025

Solo Exhibition: The Disappointed Tourist, Chicago Architecture Center, Chicago, IL

June 3 – November 2, 2025

Outdoor Installation: Winter in the Summer House, Olana, Hudson, NY

February 25 – March 11, 2025

Benefit Auction: Diving With a Purpose – Collective Approach to Restoring our EcoSystem,

February 22, 2025
Reception: 2-6 pm

Small School Visiting Artists Exhibition: ESP: EstraSensorily Perceptive, The Brown House, 1310 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC

Karl Burkheimer / Luis Camnitzer / Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons / Don Crow / DeWitt Godfrey / Ellen Harvey / Lisa Jarrett / Whitney Lowe / Mary Mattingly / Corey Pemberston / Heidi Schwegler / Alan Sonfist

August 28, 2024 – September 2026

Group Exhibition: Performing Perspectives: A Collection in Dialogue, curated by James Voorhies & Claudia Mattos, The Bass, Miami Beach, FL

Berenice Abbott / Farley Aguilar / Francesco Botticini / Francesca DiMattio / Edouard Duval-Carrié / Kota Ezawa, Genieve Figgis / Kathleen Gilje / Nan Goldin / Ellen Harvey / Alex Israel / Nate Lowman, Peter Moore / Zanele Muholi / Tony Oursler / Nam June Paik / Pedro Reyes / Mika Rottenber / Pascale Marthine Tayou / César Trasobares, Workshop of Anthony van Dyck / Michiel van Musscher / Danh Võ / Andy Warhol / Jan Weenix

September 14, 2024 – May 11, 2025

Group Exhibition: No Prior Art, Los Angeles Central Library
Curated by Todd Lerew

Angelo & Temporary Services/ Ben Caldwell & KAOS Network / Tristan Duke / Marc Fischer / Pippa Garner / Ray Hall / Hans Davidson / Ellen Harvey / Ellen K. Levy  / Shervone Neckles / Analia Sabon & Mixografia / Ben Sakoguchi 

October 10, 2024 – March 25, 2025 

Group Exhibition: Presents, SMAK, Ghent, Belgium

Fred Bervoets / Michael Buthe / Peter Downsbrough, Tatjana Gerhard / Ellen Harvey / Anton Henning / Fabrice Hyber / Rashid Johnson /Kim Jones / Jean Katambayi Mukendi / Guillaume Leblon / Werner Mannaers / Xavier Noiret-Thomé / Laure Prouvost / Paula Siebra / Mircea Suciu / Luc Tuymans, Guy Van Bossche / Patrick Van Caeckenbergh / Jan Van Imschoot / Sandra Vásquez de la Horra / Rose Wylie / Cristof Yvoré 

February 8 – March 15, 2025
Reception: February 7, 6-8 pm

Group Exhibition: Dorset Pavilion, Bridport Arts Centre, UK
Curated by Lost Sheep Productions 

David Appleby / Robyn Bamford / Common Ground / Grace Crabtree / Alexa de Feranti (Lower Hewood Farm)/ Silva de Mayo / Theo McInnes & Thomas Ralph / Jane Fox / Jeremy Gardiner / Andy Goldsworthy / Ed Hall / Ellen Harvey / P J Harvey / Helen Harris / Henrietta Hoyer Miller / John Hubbard / Veronica Hudson / Sophie Molins / Fiamma Colonna Montagu / Alan Rogers / Dudley Tolley / Jem Southam / Ella Squirrell / Harland Viney / Jacy Wall / Amanda Wallwork / Flora Wood / Hugh Dunford Wood / Will White

February 8, 2025
2.30 – 4 pm

Roundtable: What is Curating? Bridport Art Center, UK
Alexa de Ferranti / Ellen Harvey / Sophie Molins / Amanda Wallwork

November 21, 2024

November 15, 2024

Utopia Workshop: Integrated Design with Laura Nova, Parsons School of Design

November 7, 2024

Utopia Workshop: Small School, Raleigh, NC

November 6, 2024

November 4, 2024

Article: O’Keefe, Cynthia. Guiding Lights, Aventura Magazine

September 3 – October 30, 2024

Group Exhibition: The Dorset Pavilion, Venice, Italy
Curated by Lost Sheep Productions and Common Ground

Jon Adam / David Appleby / Alexa De Ferranti / Silva de Majo / Bill Douglas / Hugh Dunford Wood /Jane Fox / Jeremy Gardiner / Andy Goldsworthy / Ed Hall / Henrietta Hoyer Millar / Ellen Harvey / PJ Harvey / Veronica Hudson / Lower Heywood Farm / Kalika Kulukundis / Sophie Molins / Fiamma Colonna Montagu / Alan Rogers / Ella Squirrell / Jack Wall / Amanda Wallwork / Will White / Flora Wood / Robyn Bamford

October 28, 2024 

Article: Ison, Brandon. CTA working to restore, relocate colorful mosaic at Francisco Brown Line stop, WBBM

September 6 – October 26, 2024 

Group Exhibition: Absences, mues et macules, Meessen / L’Atlas, Paris, France

Ignasi Aballí / Léa Belooussovitch / Marc Buchy / Lieven De Boeck / Hreinn Fridfinnsson / Ellen Harvey / Rinko Kawauchi / Nicolás Lamas / Benoît Maire / mountaincutters / Cornelia Parker / Benoit Platéus / Claudio Parmiggiani / Jorge Méndez Blake / Evariste Richer / Solène Rigou / Namsal Siedlecki / José María Sicilia / Thu Van Tran / Chaim van Luit / Xie Lei

October 25, 2024 

Article: Hernandez, Alex V, Francisco Brown Line Stop’s Floor Mosaic to be Removed, Restored and Relocated, Block Club Chicago

October 16, 2024 

Article: Molins, Sophie. The Dorset Pavilion, Great British Life

October 15, 2024 

Article: New York Beautification Project, Tidings of Magpies

October 2024 

Article: Harvey, Ellen. Self-Interview about the Disappointed Tourist. Magazyn Ręcznik nr. 6

October 2024 

Article: Dorset goes to Venice, Dorset Magazine

September 26, 2024 

Review: Reizman, Renée. Art as the Mother of Invention, Hyperallergic

September 19, 2024 

Article: “No Prior Art” opens at LA Library, Beverly Press & Park Labrea News

August 29, 2024 

Article: Jao, Carron. Los Angeles Central Library, LA Times

July 26, 2024 

Interview: Boyadjian, Ani. A Chat with Ellen Harvey, Los Angeles Public Library Blog

June 13, 2024

May 27 – June 9, 2024

Group Exhibition: The Dorset Pavilion, Priority Shed, Bridport, Dorset, UK
Curated by Lost Sheep Productions and Common Ground

David Appleby / Jane Fox, Andy Goldsworthy / Ed Hall / Henrietta Hoyer Millar / Ellen Harvey / Veronica Hudson / Sophie Molins / Alan Rogers / Ella Squirrell / Jack Wall / Amanda Wallwork / Will White

June 2024

Article: Dorset Art Collaboration, The Marshwood

April 15, 2024

Visiting Artist:  Drawing/Imaging with Diana Shpungin, Parson’s School of Design, New York

April 7, 2024

Public drawing session led by Ellen Harvey & Katie Holton at the oldest tree in Manhattan at the Northwest corner of Washington Square Park for Washington Square Eco Projects and Behold

April 1, 2024

Article: Hessel, Katy. From Banky’s green leaves to Miami’s pink islands, public art’s a party and everyone’s invited! The Guardian

March 23, 2024

Featured in Katy Hessel’s The Great Women Artists Instagram

January 16 – March 9, 2024

Solo Exhibition: The Disappointed Tourist
Rowan University GalleryGlassboro, NJ

March 8, 2024

Review: McCall, Tris. Ellen Harvey’s Disappointed Tourist Exhibit shows the power of postcards.

March 2, 2024

Article: Owen, David. Visiting Places that No Longer ExistNew Yorker

February 27, 2024

Review: Orvell, Miles. Ellen Harvey’s Disappointed Tourist. Artblog

January 27 – Feb 4, 2024

Art Fair: Meessen de Clercq, Booth 22, BRAFA, Brussels, Belgium

January 24, 2024

Article: Twiford, Abigail. Ellen Harvey’s The Disappointed Tourist: A Journey through lost places and collective nostalgia. The Whit Online

January 23, 2024

Article: Brandt, Mickey. Lost Landscapes. SNJ Today

January 23, 2024

Article/Radio: Flammi, Dino. NJ’s Places that Used to Be – Check Out this New Exhibition at Rowan. New Jersey 101.5

January 18, 2024

Article: Ellen Harvey’s Traveling Exhibition The Disappointed Tourist opens at Rowan University. Art Daily

January 16, 2024

Article: Artist Ellen Harvey’s Disappointed Tourist Opens at Rowan University Art Gallery & Museum. Rowan Today

January 14, 2024

Article: Ellen Harvey’s “The Disappointed Tourist” Exhibition: A Nostalgic Journey through Vanished Locations. BNN Breaking

January 14, 2024

Radio/Article: Matthau, David. New Jersey Gallery opens an exhibit that features places that no longer exist. WHYY

January 5, 2024

Article: About Place: Rowan University Students Respond to Ellen Harvey. Rowan University

December 2, 2023

Benefit for Mildred’s Lane: For Mildred’s Sake!  Pierogi, Brooklyn 

November 6, 2023

Artist Talk: Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ

September 22 – October 18, 2023

Public Art Festival: Interpreting the History of Pollution, Art Prospect/ TRASH 5
Curated by Susan Katz (CEC ArtsLink), Tazar Kyrgyzstan & The Bishkek School of Contemporary Art (BiSCA)
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

September 7 – October 14, 2023

Group Exhibition: A Sedimentation of the Mind
Meessen De Clercq, Brussels, Belgium

Ellen Harvey / Goshka Macuga / Solène Rigou / Namsal Siedlecki / Gaspar Willmann

October 10, 2023

Article: 20 Years of Public Discourse: the film that changed the way we saw illegal street art,  Juxtapoz

September 29 – October 8, 2023

Exhibition: Architecture at the Edge: Faith in the Future, curated by Beibhinn Delaney
St. John’s Church, Ballinasloe, Galway, Ireland 

September 13, 2023

Article: Harmon, Al. Discover the 23-24 Art Season on Campus. The Whit Online

September 30, 2023

August 30, 2023

Article: Rowan University Art Gallery & Museum Announces 2023-24 Exhibition Season, New Jersey Stage

August 4, 2023

Online Interview: Ellen Harvey talks about Angelica Kauffman’s Rinaldo and Armida (1771) with Margaret Ewing, Horace W. Goldsmith Assistant Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art, Yale University Art Gallery.

April 15 – May 28, 2023

Solo Exhibition: Ellen Harvey: The Disappointed Tourist
Curated by Anna O’Sullivan
Butler Gallery, Kilkenny, Ireland
View Exhibition

May 13, 2023

Review: Tipton, Gemma. We loveIrish Times Magazine

April 20, 2023

Masterclass with Ellen Harvey
Butler Gallery, Kilkenny, Ireland

April 19, 2023

Ellen Harvey in conversation with Director Anna O’Sullivan & artist Aideen Barry
Butler Gallery, Kilkenny, Ireland

April 19, 2023

Review: Birdthistle, Elizabeth, Art to Inspire, Irish Times

April 18, 2023

Radio Interview: The Disappointed Tourist, Arena, RTE Radio 1 Ireland

April 18, 2023

Radio Interview:  An Intriguing Exhibition at Butler Gallery. The Way It Is, KCLR96FM

March 26, 2023

Review: Oprowadzanie po wystawie „Missing You” z artystką Ellen Harvey. Stay Happening

January 20 –
March 26, 2023

Solo Exhibition: Ellen Harvey: Missing You
Curated by Agnieszka Kulazińska
ŁAŹNIA Center for Contemporary Art, Gdansk, Poland
View Exhibition

March 16, 2023

Review: „Missing you” Ellen Harvey w Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej ŁAŹNIA 2 w Gdańsku, Magazyn Szum

March 14, 2023

Review: Dawidziuk, Grzegorz, AKTUALNOŚCI,

November 25, 2022 –
March 3, 2023

Commissioned Video: Max Beckmann: Departure
Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany
View Project

January 20, 2023

Review: Ellen Harvey: Missing You.

January 20, 2023

Review: Czy jest takie miejsce, które chciałabyś zobaczyć ponownie, a którego już nie ma? Redakcja Zawsze Pomorze

January 20, 2023

Review: Wernisaż wystawy Ellen Harvey “Missing you,”

January 19, 2023

Review: CSW Łaźnia przypomina miejsca, których już nie ma,

January 18, 2023

Article: Umięcka, Anna. CSW Łaźnia. Artyska Ellen Harvey przypomina miejsca, których już nie ma. Również z Gdańska, 

January 16, 2023

Article: Kamińska, Agnieszka. Miejsca, których już nie ma, a za którymi tęsknimy. Wystawa Ellen Harvey w Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Łaźnia w Gdańsku, Dzienik Baltycki

January 2, 2023

Review: Max Beckmann – Departure in der Pinakothek der Moderne, Lebensraum

December 30, 2022

Review: Soporowska, Mileną, Barbie, Lucyfer i pocztówki z nieistniejących wakacji – na jakie wystawy czekamy w 2023 roku? MORE

December 24, 2022

Review: Sieg, Christa. Neue Austellung in Munchen: Max Beckmann wandert über Welten, Salzburger Nachrichten.

August 28, 2022

Conversation: Culture Collective Beach Fire, The Halyard at Sound View, Greenport, NY

May 6, 2022

MFA Student Thesis Review: Columbia University, New York

April 30 –
May 29, 2022

Group Exhibition: Properties of Illusion in the Candy Store
Curated by Laurie De Chiara
ArtPort Kingston, Kingston, New York

Emily Andrews / Lowell Boyers / Dave Bradford / Vittoria Cheirici / Danielle Klebes / Ellen Harvey / Jenny Laden / Kristin Lamb / Lynn McCarty / Stefan Saffer / David Sher / Polly Shindler / Ruby Silvious / David Soman / Suzy Spence / Mary Ann Strandell / Suzanne Unrein

April 7, 2022

Visiting Artist: School of Visual Arts, New York

March 30, 2022

Visiting Artist Lecture: Drawing/Imaging with Diana Shpungin, Parsons School of Design, New York

March 18, 2022

Group Benefit Exhibition: Make Art Not War: Pierogi for PeacePierogi, New York

March 2, 2022

Visiting Artist: Shop Talk, MFA Fine Arts, Parsons School of Design, New York

March 2022

Review: Caldwell, Luisa. Ellen Harvey: The Disappointed TouristWhitehot Magazine

October 24, 2021 –
February 20, 2022

Solo Exhibition: Ellen Harvey: The Disappointed Tourist
Curated by Tina Teufel
Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Austria
View Exhibition
Exhibition Catalog

February 10, 2022

Review: Bailey, Charlotte, “The Tourists: Ellen Harvey and JMW Turner,” Voice Magazine

December 22, 2021

Review: Ben Saoud, Amira. SehnsuchtsorteDer Standard

December 15, 2021

Review: Mikosch, Helga. Weg und fur immer verlorenBerchtesgadener Land Nachrichten

December 9, 2021

Podcast: CIDRAP Osterholm Update, listen at 46:26

December 7, 2021

Visiting Artist Lecture: Columbia University, New York

November 18, 2021

Review: Edmonston, Rose. Voice Magazine

November 17, 2021

TV: Ellen Harvey: Der Entäuschte TouristRTS Regional TV Salzburg

November 12, 2021

Review: Klabacher, Heidemarie. Die Hängenden Gärten von SalzburgDreh Punkt Kultur

November 7, 2021

Review: Ellen Harvey im Museum der ModerneSalzburg ORF

October 26, 2021

Review: Ellen Harvey: Der enttäuschte TouristKultur Online

October 22, 2021

Review: Museum der Moderne zeight Gemälde von Orten die es nicht mehr gibt, Wiener Zeitung

October 22, 2021

Review: Panagl, Clemens.“The Disappointed Tourist” im Museum der Moderne: Selfies und andere IllusionenSalzburger Nachrichten

October 8, 2021

Artist Writing: Ellen Harvey. CountingThe Hoosaic Institute

October 2021

Review: Ufer, Julia. Ellen Harvey: The Disappointed TouristCreative Austria

October 2021

Article: Laster, Paul. Out in Miami Beach – Sand, Sea, Art and Architecture, Whitehot Magazine

May 18 –
September 26, 2021

Exhibition: The Tourists: Ellen Harvey & J.M.W. Turner 
Curated by Fiona Parry
Turner Contemporary, Margate, Kent, U.K.
View exhibition

August 18 –
September 22, 2021

Group Exhibition: When the Bough Breaks 
Curated by Susanne Slavick
Rosemary Duffy Larson Gallery
Broward College, Davie, FL

Patricia Bellan-Gillen / Denise Burge / Zoe Charlton / Ellen Harvey / Alex Lukas / Clayton Merrell / Lavar Munroe / Sarah Slavick / Susanne Slavick

January 21 –
September 19, 2021

Group Exhibition: Taking Space: Contemporary Women Artists and the Politics of Scale
Curated by Jodi Throckmorton & Brittany Webb
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art, Philadelphia, PA

Mequitta Ahuja / Polly Apfelbaum / Jennifer Bartlett / Maria Berrío / Chakaia Booker / Emily Brown / Joan Brown / Tammy Rae Carland / Squeak Carnwath / Vija Celmins / Elizabeth Colomba / Njideka Akunyili Crosby / Eiko Fan / Louise Fishman / Audrey Flack / Mary Frank / Viola Frey / Hope Gangloff / Judy Gelle / Nancy Graves / Guerrilla Girls / Ellen Harvey / Clarity Haynes / Orit Hofshi / Barbara Kruger / Winifred Lutz / Vanessa Marsh / Ana Mendieta, Leah Modigliani / Elizabeth Murray / Wangechi Mutu / Alice Neel / Dona Nelso / Louise Nevelson / Ebony G. Patterson, Liliana Porter, Debra Priestly, Ana Vizcarra Rankin / Faith Ringgold / Mia Rosenthal / Brie Ruais / Betye Saar / Miriam Schapiro / Mira Schor / Alyson Shotz / Sylvia Sleigh / Becky Suss / Mickalene Thomas / Stacy Lynn Waddell / Marie Watt / Dyani White Hawk / Deborah Willis

September 3, 2021

Review: The Five Best Institutional Shows to see in the UKFrieze

July 2 –
September 3, 2021

Group Exhibition: Sommer Gruppenaustellung
Galerie Gebruder Lehmann, Dresden, Germany

August 30, 2021

Review: Upton, George, Ellen Harvey’s Archive of Lost ArchitectureFrieze

August 20, 2021

Review: Berra, Tommaso. Ellen Harvey, paintings of places that no longer exist, Collateral

August 20, 2021

Article: Jones, Jonathan, Art WeeklyThe Guardian

August 18, 2021

Podcast: Walk with Me:  Ellen HarveyRamsgate Radio

August 17, 2021

Article: Jones, Derby, Glass Discovers the Turner Contemporary art gallery in MargateGlass 

August 2021

Article: Laster, Paul. Out in Philly, Whitehot Magazine

July 26, 2021

Public Art Opening: Mirror Grove
A collaboration between Ellen Harvey and Blane de St. Croix
Jackson West Medical Center, Doral, Florida
View Project

June 21, 2021

Article: The British seasides that are worth a visit in the rain, The Telegraph

April 24 –
May 30, 2021

Group Exhibition: Off Kilter 
Curated by David Howe, Sara Shaoul, Robert Blake, Jennifer Dalton, and Marie-Noële Guex
601Artspace, New York

Shay Arick / Peter Cain / Maurizio Cattelan / Luigi Ghirri / Ellen Harvey / Min Jung Kwak & Kwang Min Kim / Mernet Larsen / Gracelee Lawrence / Christian Marclay / David Opdyke / Gabriel Orozco / Charles Ray / Andreas Rentsch / Simón Vega

May 10, 2021

Article: Exhibitions Announced as Turner Contemporary prepares to reopen, The Isle of Thanet News

January 16 –
May 9, 2021

Group Exhibition: When the Bough Breaks 
Curated by Susanne Slavick)
HUB- Robeson Center
, Penn State, University Park, PA

Patricia Bellan-Gillen / Denise Burge / Zoe Charlton / Ellen Harvey / Alex Lukas / Clayton Merrell / Lavar Munroe / Sarah Slavick / Susanne Slavick

April 22, 2021

Article: Turner Contemporary prepares for May opening, The Isle of Thanet News

April 20, 2021

Article: Lopez, Ruth. The Places You Can’t Go: Ellen Harvey, The Art Newspaper

March 29, 2021

Video: Introduction to The Disappointed Tourist for Turner Contemporary

March 29, 2021

Video: An invitation to participate in The Disappointed Tourist for POW Thanet / Turner Contemporary

March 19, 2021

Artist Writing: Ellen Harvey. A Claude Glass, RÈVE

March 4, 2021

EXCURSIONS@HOME Lecture: Ellen Harvey on The Disappointed Tourist 
Department of Architecture & Urban Planning, Ghent University, Belgium

Spring 2021

Article: Edwards, Rhiannon.The Disappointed Tourist – an art project that revives loved and lost places, Margate Mercury

Spring 2021

Book: Orvell, Miles. Empire of Ruins, Oxford University Press

November 11, 2020 –
February 20, 2021

Solo Exhibition: The Painting as Ornament, the Ornament as Painting 
Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
View exhibition

February 2, 2021

Tagliere, Lindsay. When the Bough Breaks’ Exhibit Grapples with Climate

January 27 –
January 30, 2021

Group Exhibition: BRAFA in the Galleries 
Meessen de Clercq, Brussels, Belgium

January 29, 2021

Gough, Victoria. When the Bough Breaks exhibit at HUB Galleries allows glimpse into lives of treesDaily Collegian

June 6 –
December 12, 2020

Virtual Exhibition: Life During Wartime 
Curated by Christian Viveros-Faune
University of South Florida Art Museum, Tampa, FL

Marcos Agudelo / Diana Al-Hadid / Atelier Van Lieshout / Alberto Borea / Sebastiaan Bremer / The Bruce High Quality Foundation / Seth Cameron / Samantha Casolari / Rebecca Chamberlain / Jake and Dinos Chapman / Jordi Colomer / Patricia Cronin / Godfried Donkor / Dysturb / Inka Essenhigh / Maureen Gallace / Zhao Gang / Rico Gatson / Mark Thomas Gibson / Patrick Hamilton / Ellen Harvey / Yishai Jusidman / Deborah Kass / Basil Kincaid / Glenda León / Matvey Levenstein / Kalup Linzy / Hew Locke / Cristina Lucas / Narsiso Martinez / Eva and Franco Mattes// Richard Mosse / Angel Otero / Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara / Edison Peñafiel / Dagoberto Rodríguez / Anastasia Samoylova / Fernando Sánchez Castillo / Guy Richards Smit / Kiki Smith / Bosco Sodi / Tavares Strachan / SUPERFLEX / Sarah Sze / Jorge Tacla / Tony Tasset / Newsha Tavakolian / Janaina Tschäpe / Spencer Tunick / Rodrigo Valenzuela / William Villalongo // Kennedy Yanko / Lisa Yuskavage /

October 24 –
November 28, 2020

Group Exhibition: When the Bough Breaks 
Curated by Susanne Slavick
Marketview Arts
, York College of Pennsylvania, York, PA

Patricia Bellan-Gillen / Denise Burge / Zoe Charlton / Ellen Harvey / Alex Lukas / Clayton Merrell / Lavar Munroe / Sarah Slavick / Susanne Slavick

September 29, 2020

Visiting Artist Lecture: Department of Art & Art History, The University of Texas at Austin 

Fall Semester 2020

Meisel Visiting Professor / Advanced Painting: School of the Arts, Visual Arts, Columbia University

July 14, 2020

Book: Eitelkeit der Eitelkeiten, essay by Julia Berger, Antje Schmidt & Christian Wobbeler in Superbia – Im Labyrinth des Hochmutes und der Eitelkeit, Kulturzentrum Sinstede

July 13, 2020

Smithsonian Artist Research Fellowship, Smithsonian American Art Museum

May 28, 2020

Artist Writing: Ellen Harvey on the Disappointed Tourist, Art in Isolation: Painters on Paintings

May 20, 2020

Video: Ellen Harvey on The Disappointed Tourist, Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum

October 6, 2019 –
March 29, 2020

Group Exhibition: Weather Report 
Gurated by Richard Klein
The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, CT
Video: Ellen Harvey on The Mermaid: Two Incompatible Systems Intimately Linked

Bigert & Bergström / Barbara Bloom / Sarah Bouchard / Nick Cave / Violet Dennison / Andy Goldsworthy / Ellen Harvey / Kim Keever / Byron Kim / Damian Loeb / Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle / Hitoshi Nomura / Pat Pickett / Bryan Nash Gill / Zoë Sheehan Saldaña / Jennifer Steinkamp

January 8 –
March 1, 2020

Solo Exhibition: The Disappointed Tourist
The Suburban
Milwaukee, WI

January 28, 2020

Public Lecture: Why Turner? Mystic Seaport Museum, Mystic, CT

January 22, 2020

Article: McNerney, Pam. A Way of Looking at the World,  ZIP06


January 9, 2020

Article: Burns-Fusaro. Nancy, Mystic Seaport to hold Tea with Turner, The Westerly Sun

December 7, 2019

Article: Stoilas, Helen. From Miami to Margate. The Art Newspaper

September 20 –
December 7, 2019

Group Exhibition: When the Bough Breaks
Curated by Susanne Slavick
Pittsburgh Cultural Trust 937 Gallery
, Pittsburgh PA

Patricia Bellan-Gillen / Denise Burge / Zoe Charlton / Ellen Harvey / Alex Lukas / Clayton Merrell / Lavar Munroe / Sarah Slavick / Susanne Slavick

December 5, 2019

Article: Harris, Gareth. Swimming in Public Money. Financial Times

December 5, 2019

Public Artwork: Atlantis for Miami Beach Art in in Public Places
Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, Fl
Press Release / Video / View Project

Franz Ackerman / Joseph Kosuth /  Elmgreen & Dragset / Ellen Harvey / Sarah Morris / Joep Van Lieshout

December 2019

Review: Huldisch, Henriette. Best of 2019: Ellen Harvey: Nework. Artforum

November 18, 2019

Visiting Artist: MFA in Visual Arts, Western Connecticut State University

November 7, 2019

Public Lecture: College of Design, Architecture & Planning, University of Cinncinnati

July 12 –
28 October, 2019

Group Exhibition: In Ruins 
Curated by Ann de Charmant
Meadowarts at Whitley Court, Great Whitley, Worcestershire, UK

Alex Hartley / Tim Etchells / Matthew Darbyshire / Ellen Harvey / Holly Hendry / Marchand et Meffre / Amelie Labourdette / Jack Evans / Stuart Whipps

August 22, 2019

Article: Sarwari, Khalida. She’s the Force Behind a Public Artwork that Celebrates Women in Transportation. News@Northeastern

July 8, 2019

Podcast: Ellen Harvey on Public Art and Climate Action, Fresh Art International with Cathy Byrd

June 22, 2019

Article: Devoe, Emily. Weather Report Opens October 6 at the Aldrich, Hamlet Hub

May 24, 2019

Interview: Mirror Networks: A Conversation with Ellen Harvey, Sculpture Magazine

May 16, 2019

Article: WTS-Boston Unveils Public Art. High Profile

May 15, 2019

Article: To the Trained Eye, Boston Herald

May 14, 2019

Public Artwork: Network for WTS Boston
South Station, Headhouse 2, Boston, MA
View Project

May 12, 2019

Public Artwork: Green Map for the San Francisco Arts Commission
San Francisco Airport Hyatt Hotel, San Francisco, CA
View Project

May 7, 2019

Article: Friedman, Yael. Why Miami Beach Spent Big on Public Art, City Lab

April 24, 2019

Article: Castiglione, Adam. Mosaic map going in at South Station, Universal Hub

April 19, 2019

George A. & Eliza Gardener Howard Foundation Fellowship, Brown University

April 16, 2019

Article: McCaughan, Sean. Miami Beach Convention Center Unveils its new Public Art Collection and Canalside Park. The Big Bubble Miami

April 12, 2019

Article: Najjar, Christina. Miami Beach Convention Center Unveils Beautiful New Art Installations. Ocean Drive Magazine

April 11, 2019

Article: Gulliksen, Josie. Meet the $7 Million Collection of Public Art at the Miami Beach Convention Center. Miami New Times

April 7 – 8, 2018

Group Exhibition: I would prefer not to 
Curated by Olivier Meessen
87 Richardson Street
, Brooklyn, NY

Ignasi Aballi / Susan Collis / Hrein Fridfinnsson / Ellen Harvey / Adam Henry / Nicolas Lamas / Benoit Maire / Jorge Mendez Blake / Claudio Parmiggiani / Evarariste Richer / Kelly Schacht / Jose Maria Scilia / Thu Van Tran / Chaim Van Luit

March 15, 2018

Postcast: Interview with Brainard Carey (part 2), Yale University: Museum of Non-Visible Art

March 8, 2018

Postcast: Interview with Brainard Carey (part 1), Yale University: Museum of Non-Visible Art

February 25, 2018

Podcast: Guest appearance on Fresh Art International with Cathy Byrd, live from the Everglades. Jolt Radio

February 19, 2018

Article: Scott, Chadd. Miami Beach Announces Major Site-Specific Artworks Coming to Convention Center. Forbes

February 19, 2018

Article: Schuster, Clayton. Miami Beach Announces a 7M Spend on Public Art by Ellen Harvey, Joseph Kosuth and others. Observer

December 2018

Book: Green Alison, When Artists Curate: Contemporary Art and the Exhibition as Medium. London: Reaktion Books

December 2018

November 21, 2018

Article: Croghan, Lore. Take A Stroll on Marcy Avenue. Brooklyn Daily Eagle

September 20 –
23, 2018

Art Prospect (public art festival curated by CEC ArtsLink), St. Petersburg, Russia

Annie Albagli (USA )/ Vladimir Abikh (Russia) / Stas Bags and Misha Wert159 (Russia) / Bureau Detours (Denmark) / Luisa Caldwell (USA) / Dagnini (Russia) / Sergey Filatov (Russia) / Heidi Hanninen (Finland) / Ellen Harvey (USA/UK) / Kendal Henry (USA) / Elzbieta Jabłońska (Poland) / Khud Kruzhok (Russia) / Anastasya Kizilova (Russia) / Kosmologym: Anne Hollænder, Walker Tufts, and Erik Tonning Jensen (USA, Denmark) / Andrey Lublinsky (Russia) / Mary Mattingly, Amanda McDonald Crowley, and Ivan Karpov (USA, Russia) / Olya Mnishko (Russia) / Nadenka Creative Association (Russia) / Roman Sergeevich Osminkin (Russia) / Tara Pandeya (USA) / Jacob Remin and Sergey Filatov (Denmark, Russia) / Anne Roininen (Finland) / Taya Sharafutdinova (Russia) / Diana Shpungin (USA) / Alexander Terebenin (Russia) / Third Rail Projects: Tom Pearson Production with Daria Karpova, Anastasia Nesterova, Marissa Nielson-Pincus / Renata Zhigulina (USA) / Charlotte Thrane (Denmark) / Natalya Tikhonova (Russia)

September 20 –
September 23, 2018

Public Art Festival: Art Prospect 
Curated by CEC ArtsLink
St. Petersburg, Russia

Annie Albagli (USA )/ Vladimir Abikh (Russia) / Stas Bags and Misha Wert159 (Russia) / Bureau Detours (Denmark) / Luisa Caldwell (USA) / Dagnini (Russia) / Sergey Filatov (Russia) / Heidi Hanninen (Finland) / Ellen Harvey (USA/UK) / Kendal Henry (USA) / Elzbieta Jabłońska (Poland) / Khud Kruzhok (Russia) / Anastasya Kizilova (Russia) / Kosmologym: Anne Hollænder, Walker Tufts, and Erik Tonning Jensen (USA, Denmark) / Andrey Lublinsky (Russia) / Mary Mattingly, Amanda McDonald Crowley, and Ivan Karpov (USA, Russia) / Olya Mnishko (Russia) / Nadenka Creative Association (Russia) / Roman Sergeevich Osminkin (Russia) / Tara Pandeya (USA) / Jacob Remin and Sergey Filatov (Denmark, Russia) / Anne Roininen (Finland) / Taya Sharafutdinova (Russia) / Diana Shpungin (USA) / Alexander Terebenin (Russia) / Third Rail Projects: Tom Pearson Production with Daria Karpova, Anastasia Nesterova, Marissa Nielson-Pincus / Renata Zhigulina (USA) / Charlotte Thrane (Denmark) /

Fall 2018

Article: Ellen Harvey/The New York Beautification Project, Lincoln Center Review

September 3, 2018

Article: Owen, David. Lost Art Depart. The New Yorker

May 27 – July 8, 2018

Island Universe (group exhibition curated by Irina Danilova / Project 59)
Governors Island, NY

Alberto Bursztyn & Adrian D. Cameron / Billy X. Curmano / Irina Danilova & Hiram Levy / Ellen Harvey / Lisa Hein and Robert Seng / Ed Herman / Rita Leduc / Alyson Pou / Angelo Riviello / Margaret Roleke / Rino Telaro / Mary Ting / Dasha Ziborova / Natalia Zubko & Beau Kenyon

March 1, 2018

Review: Swenson, Kristen. Ellen Harvey at Danese/Corey. Art in America

December 5, 2017 –
February 25, 2018

Solo Exhibition: Ornaments and Other Refrigerator Magnets
Children’s Museum of the Arts, New York, NY
View Exhibition 

January 12 –
February 16, 2018

Group Exhibition: Scape
Danese / Corey,
New York, NY

Elise Ansel /Dozier Bell / Richard Estrin / Nicole Phungrasamee Fein/ Juan Fontanive / Connie Fox / Valerie Giles / April Gornik  / Susan Hartnett / Ellen Harvey / Matthias Meyer

November 24, 2017 –
January 13, 2018

Group Exhibition: Freimutig 
Curated by Tulga Beyerle
Galerie Gebruder Lehmann
, Dresden, Germany

Tatjana Doll / Slawomir Elsner / Hermann Glöckner / Ellen Harvey / Eberhard Havekost / Herbert Hoffmann / Martin Honert / Tilman Hornig / Thoralf Knobloch / Lisa Kränzler / Stephanie Lüning / Martin Mannig / Frank Nitsche / Lisa Pahlke / Johanna Rüggen / Lara Schnitger / Daniel Schubert / Christiane Seiffert / Keiichi Tanaami / Joep van Liefland

October 26 –
December 31, 2017

Solo Exhibition: Nostalgia
Danese / Corey, New York, NY
View Exhibition

December 26, 2017

Review: Sava, Kenn. Ellen Harvey’s Global Beautification Project.

November 8 –
December 23, 2017

Group Exhibition: Really 
Curated by Beth Rudin de Woody
Wilding Cran Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

Sarah Ball / Judie Bamber / Mike Bayne / Amy Bennett / Jesse Benson / William Binnie / Dike Blair / Andrea Bowers / Kristin Calabrese / Rómulo Celdrán / Vija Celmins / Taner Ceylan / Antoine Christopher / Jeff Colson / Martí Cormand / Will Cotton / Mike Davis / Robert Davis / Marc Dennis / Delfin Finley / Dan Fischer / Richard Forster / Steve Galloway / Tim Gardner / Peggy Garner / Victoria Gitman / John Gordon Gauld / Andrew Grassie / Richard Haden / Karl Haendel / Ellen Harvey / Rachel Hecker / Mary Henderson / Scott Hunt / Howard Kanovitz / Kurt Kauper / Des Lawrence / Patrick Lee / Devin Leonardi / Robert Longo / Tyler Macko / Tony Matelli / Sean Mellyn / Fabien Mérelle / Marilyn Minter / Catherine Murphy / Yigal Ozeri / Ariana Papademetropoulos / Tom Pfannerstill / Sylvia Plimack Mangold / Randall Rosenthal / Frank Selby / Andrew Sendor / Nina Skov Jensen / Ken Solomon / Jim Torok /  Samara Umbral / Kaari Upson / Patrick Van Caeckenbergh / Henry Vincent / Kehinde Wiley / Steve Wolfe / Mike Yaniro and Jason Bard Yarmosky

December 19, 2017

Review: Miller, Nicole.  Ellen Harvey: NostalgiaThe Brooklyn Rail

November 18, 2017

Review: Volk, Gregory.  An Artist’s Light-Filled Tribute to Turner. Hyperallergic

November 2, 2017

Review: Valdez, Sarah. Ellen Harvey’s New Show is Solid Gold. Garage Vice